Selected Solo Exhibitions
Martine Fougeron: SummerTime, Le Musée du Château d'Assas, Institut d’Art, Le Vigan, France
The South Bronx Trades, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, NY, NY
Teen Tribe at Gallery 339, Philadelphia, PA
Heart of the South Bronx: Trades curated by Anna Von Lenten, The Half King, Chelsea, NY
Heart of the South Bronx: Trades curated by Elisabeth Biondi, The Point’s Art Container, Bronx, NY
Martine Fougeron: Teen Tribe curated by Cory Jacobs, The Gallery at Hermès, Fondation d'Entreprise Hermès, NY, NY
After Prom, Gallery 339, Philadelphia, PA
Tête-à-Tête, Sol Mednick Gallery, University of The Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Tête-à-Tête, Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art, NY, NY
Tête-à-Tête, Julia Dean Gallery, Berenice Abbott Prize, LA, CA
Selected Group Exhibitions
Documentation and Expression, Daejeon International Photo Festival, Daejeon Artist House, Korea
Le corps social : Documenter l'individu dans la société : codes et paradoxe, Galerie Miranda , Paris, Fance
Her City, curated by MarkCraig and Valeri Larko, Leake Street Gallery, London, UK
Catalyst: Art and Social Justice, curated by Jessica Bell Brown, Gracie Mansion
Americana curated by Sherri Littlefield, The Photography Show 2019, presented by AIPAD, ASMP, NY
The Wing, Group Show, Dumbo, NY
Forever Young, selections from the Joe Baio Collection of Photography, AIPAD
Model Redux, Bronx Art Space, curated by Adrien de Mones and Marina Gluckman
Wonderland, Lehman College Art Gallery, Permanent collection of The Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY
Bronx Now, Temporary Storage; Brooklyn, NY
Bronx Speaks: Making Place, The Bronx Museum of the Arts
The Bronx Artist Documentary Project, Montefiori Art Gallery, Bronx, NY
The Bronx Artist Documentary Project, The Andrew Freedman Home, Bronx
Bronx X Bronx : Bronx Documentary Center, NY
Ladies Only, curated by Tina Schelhorn, MOMA, Kolga Tbilisi Photo Festival
Stories in the Social Landscape, International Center for Photography (ICP), NY
The Youth Code!, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
Perchance to Dream, Andrea Meislin Gallery, NY, NY
Family Portrait, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia: curated by Peter Barberie and Amanda Bock
It’s about You and Me, curated by Monika Hardmeier, ABC NO RIO, 2013, Bullet Space, NY, NY
AIPAD Photography, Gallery 339
Trees in Focus, Anne Fontaine Foundation, Sotheby's, NY
Spice Pooja, Live video installation, The Hole Gallery, NY, NY
The Youth Code!, curated by Nathalie Herschdorfer, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
The Frostig Collection, Santa Monica, LA: My Aim Is True curated by Jamie Lee Curtis
Adolescence, curated by Gainpaola Arena, Photissima Art Fair, Turin
More Photos About Buildings and Food, Gallery 339, Philadelphia, PA
The Youth Code!, curated by Nathalie Herschdorfer, Daegu Photo Biennale 2012, Korea
This Side of Paradise, Andrew Freedman House, Bronx, NY. Curated by Manon Sloan of No Longer Empty.
Beyond Words: Photography in The New Yorker curated by Elisabeth Biondi, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
AIPAD, The Park Armory, Gallery 339
Occupy Wall Street curated by Sean Corcoran at the Museum of the City of New York, NY, NY
The Unseen Eye, George Eastman House, Brackett Clarck Gallery, Rochester, NY
Beyond Words: Photography in The New Yorker, curated by Elisabeth Biondi, Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY, NY
Teenagers: Portraits of Identity and Expression, Houston Center for Photography, Houston, TX
About Face, Gallery 339, Philadelphia, PA
Shots on Home, LOOK 3 Festival of the Photograph, curated by Kathy Ryan and Scott Thode, Charlottesville, VA
Teenagers: Portraits of Identity and Expression, HCP (Houston Center for Photography), Houston, TX
Objective/Subjective, NYPH 11, The Future of Contemporary Photography curated by Elisabeth Biondi, Brooklyn, NY
Lens Culture International Exposure Award, Gallery 291, San Francisco CA
AIPAD, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, NY, NY
A Toutes Jambes, La Galerie d'En Face, Paris, France
Paris Photo, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris, France
Best of Show: Winners of the 2010 PRPC juried by Brian Paul Clamp, Gallery 1401, Philadelphia, PA
Photography Portfolio Competition 2010, Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA
The Curve, 2010 Center Choice Awards’, Newspace Center for Photography, Portland, OR
Tête-à-Tête, Forward Thinking Museum
Childhood, curated by Jamie Lee Curtis, Dougherty Art Center, Texas Photographic Society, Austin, Texas
Die krawatte in der photographie, KreisMuseum Zons, Berlin, Germany
A Time Remembered: Photography As Personal Narrative, Holden Luntz Gallery, Palm Beach, FLA
Adolescence, Vis-à-vis Photo
Best of Show: Winners of the 2009 PRPC, Juried by Lesley A. Martin’, Gallery 1401, Philadelphia, PA
The Art of Photography Show, curated by Charlotte Cotton, Lyceum Theatre Gallery, San Diego, CA
Image 09, Gallery of image Winners, Farmani Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Christie’s Benefit Contemporary Photography Auction, Paris, France
Photo Miami, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Miami, FA
Never Stand Still, Paris Photo 2008, BMW- Paris Photo Exhibition, Paris, France
Best of Show, juried by Julie Saul, Gallery 1401, Philadelphia, PA
Best of PX, PX3 Book Winner, Galerie 2, Paris, France
Best of Photography, It's Seven, Trieste, Italy
Exposure, PRC, curated by Leslie A. Martin, Boston, MA
Fashioned, Minnesota Center for Photography, curated by George Slade, Minneapolis, MI
AIPAD, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, NY, NY
Paris Photo 2007, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris, France
Sacrée Inde!, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Off du Off au Couvent, curated by Sylvie de la Dure, Arles, France
Degrees of Separation, Peer Gallery, Chelsea, NYC, curated by John Bennette, NY, NY
Up& Now! Photographic Center Northwest, curated by Charlotte Cotton, Seattle, WA
Among Us and Curious, Newspace Center for Photography, curated by Darius Himes, Portland, OR
Best of PX3, Galerie13 Sevigné, PX3 Portraiture winner, Paris, France
Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins, CO
Passion, Umbrella Arts Gallery, Group Exhibition juried by Elinor Carucci, NY, NY
The Camera Club of New York: Group Exhibition, The Alfred Lowenherz Gallery, NY, NY
Photo Folio Winner, Les Rencontres d’Arles, exhibited in Atelier de Chaudronnerie, Arles, France
Shift, ICP, NY, NY
39th Juried Exhibition, The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, NY
Selected Museums
Bronx Museum of the Arts; Bronx, NY.
Museum of the City of New York, NY.
Philadelphia Museum of Art; Philadelphia, PA.
Museum of Fine Arts; Houston, TX.
MOMA, Museum of Modern Art Library; New York, NY.
Getty Research Institute; Los Angeles, CA.
2011: 11th MediaStorm Advanced Multimedia Workshop.
2006: Advanced Certificate in General Studies. International Center of Photography, NYC.
1979: Diplomée de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.
1975: BA in Political Science and Spanish. Wellesley College.
1972: Baccalaureate Cum Laude. Institut Saint Dominique.